4400 Massachusetts Ave NW, Washington, DC
Our coaching staff is made up of experienced coaches from all levels; including high school, middle school and AAU coaches, current and former collegiate players/coaches, game officials, trainers and other basketball personnel. All Jr. Wizards staff are subject to a rigorous and ongoing screening process.
If there are any medications that your child must self-administer while at camp, you must fill out the Self-Administration of Medication form. Once completed please email it to us at JuniorWizards@monumentalsports.com . Otherwise, you can bring it with you on the first day of camp.
Medication Self-Administration Authorization
Medication can be dropped off at check in on the first day of camp. All medication must be picked up on the last day of the session. Any medication left at camp will be returned to the Wizards corporate offices at Capital One Arena. Arrangements can be made to pick up any medication that is returned to the office by emailing juniorwizards@monumentalsports.com. Any medication not picked up by October 1 will be discarded.
Unless otherwise noted on the individual program page, camper drop off is from 8:30 A.M. to 9:00 A.M..
Pick-up is promptly at 3:00 P.M.
Jr. Wizards reserves the right to administer a $50 late pick-up charge to anyone who picks up later than 20 minutes after the designated pick-up time.
Sorry, we do not offer Pre or Post Camp Care, unless specifically noted on the program website.
Campers are initially grouped by age, and by skill level after an initial evaluation period on the first day of camp. Jr. Wizards staff will attempt to honor any grouping request, provided that the request is a) submitted prior to the start of camp, b) will not impact the competitive balance of a particular group, or c) will not have a negative impact on any camper’s physical well-being.
Final grouping decisions are made at the sole discretion of Jr. Wizards staff. Any request for camper movement that is made after camp has begun will be judged on a case-by-case basis.
While we make every effort to secure player visits to camp, appearances are not guaranteed and are subject to player availability and schedule. When possible, select Wizards, Mystics and/or Go-Go players may visit camp to interact with participants. Additionally, Wizards/Mystics/Go-Go coaches, staff, alumni, community ambassadors, and mascots may also visit.
Any money paid towards tuition, minus the $75 non-refundable registration fee, are refundable through April 1, 2025. All refund requests must be received by email to juniorwizards@monumentalsports.com
Any refund request made after the April 1, 2025 deadline will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Medical refund requests must be accompanied by a doctor’s note.