Wizards Reading Zone
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We enjoy spending our story times together! The Wizards Reading Zone is the perfect place to expand kids’ love for reading. Use our zone to make story time special by browsing book titles or participating in reading challenges. Our reading zone is a place to make reading fun by encouraging children to read outside of the classroom. So, whether you are reading to a child or your child is reading to you, we have something for readers of all ages.
Dive into our Wizards Reading Zone to fuel your kid’s reading imagination!
Wizards Winter reading challenge
DC Family! The Washington Wizards 2045-25 Winter Reading Challenge presented by KPMG is officially here!
To help promote youth literacy across the DMV area, the Wizards Winter Reading Challenge will provide participants the ability to connect with their local libraries while encouraging them to build a positive relationship with reading.
Click here to learn more!

Wizards Book Of The Month
In partnership with DC Public Library, Prince George's County Memorial Library System, Alexandria Public Library, Fairfax Public Library, Montgomery County Public Library and Arlington Public Library the Wizards will highlight books for children in various age groups to read. Each month the library systems will select one book for readers grades K-2, one book for readers grades 3-5, and one book for readers grades 6-8 to explore. These books will be great for kids to read alone or for families to read together. Once your kids finish the book, let us know what you thought.
Share your thoughts with us on social media @JrWizards and use hashtag #WizardsBookoftheMonth!

chose the library closest to where you live!

Washington, D.C.

Prince George's County

City of Alexandria

Fairfax County

Montgomery County

Arlington County

Did you know finding just 20 minutes a day to read can strengthen vocabulary and elevate literacy? Introducing a variety of options in your kid's book selection can help keep their attention and make reading exciting.

If kids associate reading with fun, reading will not be seen as a chore. Explore the avenues of adventure, imagination and creativity within the pages of each book. Parents, start encouraging reading at a young age so it becomes an activity your kids love to do when they are older.

The library has numerous resources available for children! From physical books, ebooks, programs and activities, libraries have everything your kids need to stay engaged and have a great time.